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Property Epicenter

  • Category Development
  • Client Propert Epicenter
  • Start Date 23 Sep 2022
  • Ongoing
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Build, streamline and evolve together with solution

At Brand Bosker, we take immense pride in our ability to drive success through our digital marketing prowess. One of our most recent achievements has been our partnership with Property Epicenter, a dynamic company dedicated to providing comprehensive details about real estate investment in India. This case study demonstrates how our team’s digital marketing strategies transformed their online presence and elevated their impact.

Client Overview: Property Epicenter

Property Epicenter is a leading name in the Indian real estate investment sector. They specialize in offering vital information, insights, and opportunities for investors looking to thrive in this dynamic market.

The Challenge:

Property Epicenter approached Brand Bosker with a mission to expand their digital reach and make their services accessible to a broader audience. They were determined to connect with potential investors, both domestically and internationally, and needed our expertise to make this vision a reality.

Our Solution:

  1. Targeted SEO Strategy: We conducted a thorough website audit and keyword research to optimize Property Epicenter’s site for search engines. This involved on-page and technical SEO improvements to enhance their online visibility.
  2. Content Enrichment: Our team created compelling and informative content to engage their target audience. This included blog posts, articles, and guides related to Indian real estate investment opportunities.
  3. Social Media Amplification: Leveraging popular social media platforms, we reached out to a broader audience. Our content strategy included posts, infographics, and videos designed to connect with potential investors and provide valuable insights.
  4. Paid Advertising Campaigns: To accelerate results, we executed a tailored pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategy. We targeted specific keywords and demographics to maximize exposure.
  5. Email Marketing: Our email marketing campaigns ensured that Property Epicenter’s subscribers received regular updates and informative content, nurturing their interest.

  • + Brand Development
  • + UX/UI Design
  • + Front-end Development
  • + Copywriting
  • + Wordpress Development
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Visual and typograpy hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the principle of arranging elements to show their order of importance. Designers structure visual characteristics—e.g., menu icons—so users can understand information easily. By laying out elements logically and strategically, designers influence users’ perceptions and guide them to desired actions. Users notice larger elements more easily can convert.

Font Style
  • regular This is text message
  • Medium Medium typography
  • SemiBold Just Amazing
  • Blod Awesome
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